Mona Nosrati

2014 - 2017: MSc i Nevrovitenskap, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Det medisinske fakultet, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)
2011 - 2014: PhD, Mathematics Education, University of Cambridge
2010 - 2011: MPhil, International Perspectives on Mathematics Education, University of Cambridge
2007 - 2010: BSc, Mathematics and Physics, University of Bath
Faglige interesser
- Kognitiv utvikling og matematikkforståelse
- Nevrovitenskapelige perspektiver på læringsprosessen
- Filosofiske og sosiologiske perspektiver på utdanning og matematikkundervisning
- Algebra og abstraksjon
2017 - : Visiting Associate, Clare Hall College and NRICH, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cambridge.
2014 - : Førsteamanuensis ved Matematikksenteret, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)
2012 - 2013: Supervisor, Philsophy of Education - University of Cambridge
2012: Teacher, Philosophy and Science - Oxbridge Academic Programs
2009 - 2010: Teaching Assistant, Mathematics - University of Bath
2007 - 2012: Lærer, matematikk og naturfag - Sommerskolen i Oslo
Verv og utvalg
2017 - : Medlem i rådgivende organ ved Utdanningsdirektoratet
2015 - 2016: Medlem av Jøsendalutvalget
2015 - : Leder for den faglige komiteen for Novemberkonferansen
Nosrati, M., & Andrews P. (2018). Temporal norms of the typical mathematics lesson - Norwegian and Swedish students ́ perspectives., in H. Palmér & J. Skott (Eds) Students' and teachers' values, attitudes, feelings and beliefs in maths classrooms. Dordrecht, Springer
Andrews, P., & Nosrati, M. (2018). Gjennomgang and Gjennomgång: Same or different?, in H. Palmér & J. Skott (Eds) Students' and teachers' values, attitudes, feelings and beliefs in maths classrooms. Dordrecht, Springer
Motivation in Mathematics. Textbook co-authored with Kjersti Wæge. To be published by Universitetsforlaget (University Press) in spring 2018.
Nosrati, M. (in press). Engaging Students in STEM through Formal Educational Provisions and Learning in Informal Contexts - Some Perspectives from the Norwegian Context. In A. Bowker, W. Y. Feng & J. Hillier (Eds.) Nurturing Rich Learning and Teaching of Science. Springer: Dordrecht.
Dubinsky, E., Henderson D.W., & Nosrati, M. (2017). Equivalence of symmetries and permutations in Rn. Mathematical Intelligencer.
Nosrati, M. (2015). Temporal freedom in mathematical thought: A philosophical - empirical enquiry. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 37, 18-35.
Nosrati, M., & Wæge, K. (2015). Sentrale kjennetegn på god læring og undervisning i matematikk. (Central characteristics of good learning and teaching in mathematics)
A research review requested by the Ministry of Education. Nationally available to teachers and educators.
Nosrati, M. (2013). Sets, groups and relations - A comparative study of the aims and purposes of mathematics education in relation to ability grouping in England and Norway. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 27.