Raymond Bjuland

Professor II
08.2018-: Professor II, NTNU, The Norwegian Centre for Mathematics Education, Norway.
08.2012 -: Professor in Mathematics Education, Department of Education and Sports Science, University of Stavanger, Norway.
Nyere Tidsskriftspublikasjoner
Ni Shúilleabháin, A., & Bjuland, R. (2019). Incorporating lesson study in ITE: organisational structures to support student teacher learning. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45(4), 434–445.
Fauskanger, J. & Bjuland, R. (2019). Learning ambitious teaching of multiplicative properties through a cycle of enactment and investigation. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development Journal, 21(1), 125–144.
Fauskanger, J. & Bjuland, R. (2018). Deep learning as constructed in mathematics teachers’ written discourses. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME), 13(3), 149–160.
Bjuland, R. & Helgevold, N. (2018). Dialogic processes that enable student teachers’ learning about pupil learning in mentoring conversations in a Lesson Study field practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 70, 246–254.
Larssen, D.L.S., Cajkler, W., Mosvold, R., Bjuland, R., Helgevold, N., Fauskanger, J.,Wood,
P., Baldry, F., Jakobsen, A., Bugge, H.E., Næsheim-Bjørkvik, G., Norton, J. (2018). A
literature review of lesson study in initial teacher education. Perspectives about learning and
observations. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 7(1), 8–22.
Mosvold, R. & Bjuland, R. (2016). Positioning in identifying narratives of/about pre-service
mathematics teachers in field practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 58, 90–98.
Munthe, E., Bjuland, R., & Helgevold, N. (2016). Lesson Study in field practice; a time-lagged experiment in Initial Teacher Education in Norway. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 5(2), 142–154.
Bjuland, R. & Mosvold, R. (2015). Lesson study in teacher education: learning from a challenging case. Teaching and Teacher Education, 52, 83–90.
Bjuland, R., Helgevold, N., & Munthe, E. (2015). Lesson Study og lærerstudenters fokus på elevers læring i veiledningssamtaler. Acta Didactica, 9(1), Art.3, 1–17.
Mosvold, R. & Bjuland, R. (2015). Lærerstudenters utvikling av matematikklæreridentitet. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, 99(2), 97–109.
Bjuland, R, Jakobsen, A, & Munthe, E. (2014). Muligheter og begrensninger for studenters læring i praksisopplæring – eksempel fra en førveiledningsdialog i matematikk. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 19 (1), 53–73.