Plenum 3

Peter LiljedahlProfessor Peter Liljedahl har bakgrunn som lærer, og er som forsker kjent for å jobbe tett på lærere, elever og utdanningssystem. Liljedahls forskning har ledet fram «Building thinking classroom», en teori som fremmer en klasseromskultur med engasjerte elever som tenker kreativt rundt problemløsning.


Assessment in the Thinking Classroom

The new landscape of mathematics teaching and learning is vastly different from the way we have become accustomed to thinking about mathematics. There is now a focus on process over product, understanding and self-authored procedures are given prevalence, and even what constitutes mathematical knowledge is changing. In the midst of all of this change one thing is becoming blatantly obvious – our traditional methods of assessing students are no longer adequate. We need to rethink and reorient our assessment practices to better align with the changing curriculum, our evolving teaching practices, and the new goals for education. In this session we will begin this reorientation. Teachers will leave with a greater insight into the need and use of progressive assessment, as well as some of the tools to begin to design and utilize alternate assessment practices in their own teaching. This workshop will intertwine with, and make extensive references to, the best-selling book, Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics (Grades K-12): 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning.